POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Heighfields -are they meshes or 'just' textures? : Re: Heighfields -are they meshes or 'just' textures? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:53:41 EST (-0500)
  Re: Heighfields -are they meshes or 'just' textures?  
From: krus
Date: 15 Aug 2002 05:25:04
Message: <web.3d5b72eee9a1db2d2f4bd1e30@news.povray.org>
Christopher James Huff wrote:
>In article <web.3d5a53a1e9a1db2d2f4bd1e30[at]news.povray.org>,
> "krus" <nomail[at]nomail> wrote:
>> >>Marc thats sound VERY interesting! -But i'm not sure if i understand *s*
>> Certently i do NOT understand the 'function' keyword in the macro.
>> This is what i got:
>> could you show me what 'Function' could/should be. I've tried whith
>> x=1, 1*x, 0, x^1, ..all because i do not want the image to change
>> I get a parse-error with all the abowe
>> ....also the four '????' do not work ;)
>Hmm, that's...not even close. Never used macros before?
>You don't need the #macro...#end in the macro call, they are only used
>to define the macro. And you aren't supposed to use it in a
>height_field, the macro generates a new mesh primitive.
>These macros are well documented in the manual, and there are examples
>in scenes/incdemo/shapes.pov. You would use something like:
>#declare HF_Fn =
>function {
>    pigment {
>        image_map {sys "textAdv.bmp" interpolate 2}
>        rotate x*90
>    }
>object {
>    HF_Square(function {HF_Fn(x, y, z).gray}, false, false, <100, 100>,
>true, "myMapMesh", < 0, 0, 0>, < 1, 1, 1>)
>    pigment {White}
>    translate <-.5, -.5, -.5>
>    scale <17, 1.975, 17>
>HF_Fn is a pigment function, it gives the color of a pigment at a point.
>The ".gray" in the function given to the macro turns it into a float
>value useable as a height. The rotation by x*90 is necessary because the
>image_map is in the xy plane and you need it in the xz plane.
>You specified a mesh resolution of 1*1, which obviously won't work...I
>used 100*100, you should use something close to the size of your image
>file, though you could reduce it for lower-quality meshes. You specified
>"smooth" in your height field, so I assumed you wanted a smooth height
>field from the macro and set that option to true. And specifying "100"
>for both corners of the box containing the height field won't work, I
>specified < 0, 0, 0> and < 1, 1, 1>, like the built-in height_field
>And note that "myMapMesh" won't be affected by the texture and
>translations you do to the object. You could adjust the pigment given to
>HF_Fn and the size given to the height field macro to generate a height
>field of the desired size instead, for texturing you would have to
>manually edit the generated file, but I think the conversion program
>will ignore it anyway.
>Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
>POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg

Christopher James Huff
THANK YOU! not only for the valuable and detailed help but especially for
the hint to the examples in shapes.pov!

Still there's one problem with the code.
I do get a normal picture if i omit the filename eg:

HF_Square(function {HF_Fn(x, y, z).gray}, false, false, <100, 100>,
true, "", < 0, 0, 0>, < 1, 1, 1>)

But if i ad a file:

HF_Square(function {HF_Fn(x, y, z).gray}, false, false, <100, 100>,
true, "myMapMesh", < 0, 0, 0>, < 1, 1, 1>)

-I get a parse-error:
" expected 'object' translate found instead"

-on the other hand, a file IS made and written to hd and i have opened it
and it seams to contain the correct information:

 vertex_vectors 10000,{....}//{..some thousend vectors..}
  normal_vectors 10000, {....}
 face_indices 19602, {....}

I do have a problem with that file though -What is the file-type (eg
extension) for this file (believe it to be a mesh2-file? a .wrl-file?)

I fear that converting does something wrong with the file because the output
3ds-file is only 1 kb and contain no information at all.

I would greatly apreciate any help

regards krus

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